This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Quickest And Healthiest Way To Lose 100 lbs.

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to lose 100 pounds, you probably came across many different types of diets.

It’s true; there are tons of ways to lose weight. You could take diet pills, go on medicine, eat low calorie, low carb, starve yourself, go on a liquid fast… the options are endless. Most of them work, too.

The problem is, it’s very hard to stay on those types of diets. Not only are they physically hard (you often go hungry), but psychologically, they’re not good for you either. If you gain weight for one day, then you feel as if you’ve “messed up”, and there’s no point in staying on the diet. Also, these diets are short term things… people have no desire to stay on them for the rest of their lives, so once they lose the weight, they revert back to their old eating habits and gain the weight again.

If you want to know how to lose 100 pounds – the good news is that it’s not as hard as everybody makes it out to be. You don’t have to go hungry, and in fact, that actually hinders your weight loss efforts. Low calorie, low carbohydrate, and starvation diets actually DON’T work (well).

When researching how to lose weight, I researched a lot about bodybuilders and people with anorexia. I wanted to know how to lose 100 pounds, and figured that since those types of people are obsessed with their bodies, they would know the best methods available. What shocked me is that the hardcore anorexics actually don’t starve themselves – they know it doesn’t work that well long term – but they follow a specific eating plan.

Of course, the plan that I suggest and use frequently isn’t as strict as the one that anorexic people use, but the point is that it works, and it works well.

The great thing is, this plan is completely healthy, and it was actually based on the way that our ancestors ate.

In this way of eating, people vary their calories. They still get to eat normal portions, and they can eat what they want – but the magic is when they “trick” their body and vary what they eat per day. The body never gets used to what it’s being fed, so it can’t plateau.

Actually, you’re shocking your body, and doing the opposite of what it expects you to do. This is why the effects are so powerful! You're going to NOT continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time, and you're going to lose a lot of weight by doing this.

Because of this, people keep losing weight, over and over and over. People actually lose up to 13 pounds every 11 days with this method, and it never “expires”.

You can check out more varying calories on my website at

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight Is Also The Easiest

If you are looking for the fastest way to lose weight and you have over 10 pounds to lose, you're in luck. A breakthrough weight loss system, originally highly guarded by bodybuilders and people in the anorexic community, is finally being exposed to everybody. This is not unhealthy or fad-ish, and is actually clinically proven to be very beneficial, both physically and psychologically on dieters.

This weight loss system, called "calorie cycling", enables people to shock the metabolism into burning fat more efficiently, thus resulting in more rapid weight loss.

Dieters are never hungry and never in a "famine" mindset. There is also never any unrealistic starvation or removal of any one food group, such as low carbohydrate.

People get to choose what they want to eat, so there are no pre-packaged foods, pills, potions, liquids, bars, or anything to buy. In tests, people lost much more weight with this versus starvation, low calories, and 99.1% of the other "fad" diets.

This weight loss method is so powerful that it allows people to lose up to 11 pounds every 13 days. In very rare cases, some people (those with a lot of weight to lose) have reported losses of up to 35 pounds in a month. This is absolutely the fastest way to lose weight.

Other benefits of this diet are that dieters can avoid the "plateau" effect by switching their calories, and they can eat whatever they want (in moderation - but reasonable moderation, not tiny servings).

In research, dieters were happier and more willing to stay on this diet versus traditional diets such as low calorie and low carbohydrate. Energy levels stayed the same or higher as compared to other diets as well. If you have 10 pounds or more to lose, calorie cycling is absolutely the fastest way to lose weight.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

How To Lose Weight (And NOT With A Low Calorie Diet)

If you want to know how to lose weight, there are many different people and companies that will tell you different things. Everybody seems to have their own agenda with weight loss, and you might hear about all sorts of crazy diets – from liquid starvations to eating only cabbage to cookie diets, and everything in between.

A lot of people will tell you that the most “sensible” diet is one in which you eat low calorie and exercise regularly.

While low calorie is good in the short term, if you really want to know how to lose weight – you need to know that low calorie is NOT the best option out there.

With low calorie, you can plateau very easily. Your body gets used to what you’re feeding it, and it will adjust accordingly.

If you are trying to figure out how to lose weight, you’ll undoubtedly hear of the other diets too – for example, the ones that were already mentioned. These diets generally also work very well in the short term, but you can either gain the weight back, or be miserable because the diets are so limiting.

One way that has been popular since the beginning of evolution is the shifting calorie method. With this, you switch up your calories on a daily basis so that your body can never figure out what you’re going to feed it.

Because you’re “shocking” your body, your body can never adjust – and therefore, you can never plateau. Since you can never plateau, you continue to lose weight over and over again.

If you really want to know how to lose weight – this is the easiest way possible.

It’s also great because it doesn’t limit you to eating certain things, so you’re not miserable all the time. Psychologists have claimed that this diet is better than almost any other diet out there because dieters don’t have that “famine” mindset.

You can check out more about shifting calories on my website at

Tips For Those Who Need To Lose Weight - Part Two

If you’re looking for some weight loss tips, you will find many different tactics when you look for them.

For example, you might read to drink more water, to omit certain things from your diet, and to exercise more.

Besides those great things, I believe a huge impact can be gained by not letting yourself become too discouraged; you do matter and life can be wonderful if you see it that way.

First you should look for support among family and friends. It can be an enormous help to discuss obstacles and share skills and tactics with others on the same path.

You might look for this support from others you know who are in weight loss programs and you can seek guidance from someone you know who has lost weight and kept it off.

There are success stories across the country today. On television and in newspapers, magazines and tabloids about people who have miraculously lost untold pounds and kept it off. In all instances they say their mental attitude as well as their outlook on life has totally changed.

Diets and weight loss programs are more flexible now than they once were and there are many prepared foods already portioned out. They are made attractive and can be prepared in a matter of minutes. Low-fat and low-calorie foods are on shelves everywhere.

You will probably need to learn new, wiser eating skills. You will want a weight loss regimen that gives you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system.

Look for one that offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose the one that's best for you.

You can check out more about losing weight on my website at

Tips For Those Who Need To Lose Weight

If you’re looking for some weight loss tips, you will discover many different approaches in you research.

For example, you might read to drink more water, to avoid certain foods, and to be more active.

While I do agree with all of that, I think one of the most important weight loss tips is to maintain a positive outlook.

Once you have made up your mind to lose weight, you should make that commitment and go into it with a positive attitude. We all know that losing weight can be quite a challenge. In fact, for some, it can be downright tough. It takes time, practice and support to change lifetime habits. But it's a process you must learn in order to succeed. You and you alone are the one who has the power to lose unwanted pounds.

Think like a winner and not a loser - remember that emotions are like muscles and the ones you use most grow the strongest. If you always look at the negative side of things, you'll become a downbeat, pessimistic person. Even slightly negative thoughts have a greater impact on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts.

Negative thinking doesn't do you any good; it just holds you back from accomplishing the things you want to do. When a negative thought creeps into your mind, replace it reminding yourself that you're somebody, you have self-worth and you possess unique
strengths and talents.

Contemplate what lies ahead of you. Losing weight is not just about diets. It's about a whole new you and the possibility of creating a new life for yourself.

Investigate the weight loss programs that appeal to you and that you feel will teach you the behavioral skills you need to stick with throughout the weight-loss process.

You can check out more about losing weight on my website at

The Shifting Calories Method And Why It Works

Shifting calories is a great way to lose weight, because it helps you easily trick your body.

When you eat low calorie or low carbohydrate, your body gets used to the same routine. Eating 1200 (or however many you choose) calories every day is something that your body can easily get used to, and it will adjust accordingly. It will lower your metabolism accordingly, and it will make you lose weight at a much slower pace.

With this method, your body never knows what's coming to it, so it will never be able to plateau. You'll continuously lose weight, over and over again.

This is also great for your psychological mindset. When you do the shifting calorie method the right way, you shift your calories to a certain level on different days.

Because some days are almost drastically higher, you get to "cheat" on those days.

This is great for people because they don't feel like they're missing out on their favorite foods, or that they're different from the non-dieters in their life.

You're also never bored with your diet, which is very important. "Diets" don't really help people - but lifestyle changes that are easy to commit to for life are things that will allow weight loss to stay off for a long, long time. With the shifting calorie method, you also don't need to deprive yourself of nutrients, as you would on diets such as the cabbage soup diet, the cookie diet, or other popular fad diets. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it's within calorie allotments.

You can check out more about the shifting method on my website at

How To Read A Nutritional Label

Reading nutritional labels can be a daunting task if you don't know exactly what to look for. Because the information is so significant, it's important to at least have a watered-down idea of how each one works.

To begin with, the nutritional label gives a breakdown of the nutrient content of food. It's based on a 2000 calorie diet (the average amount of calories recommended for Americans on a daily basis).

Serving Size

This self-explanatory section tells the consumer the size of the servings inside the package.

Serving per Container or Package

This often overlooked section tells the consumer how many servings are in the package. If there are 3 servings and one eats an entire package, they need to multiple everything else on the nutritional panel by 3 to get their true nutritional breakdown.

Calories and Calories from Fat

This is generally the most viewed part of a nutritional label. It tells the consumer how many calories are in the product as well as the percentage of calories that are from fat.

% Daily Value

This tells people the percentage of daily value of a nutrient compared to a 2,000 calorie diet. For example if something has 10% protein, the consumer is getting 10% of the protein that they need for the day if they eat a 2,000 calorie diet.

Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium

These values are ones that Americans generally eat enough (or too much) of. They should be limited and health experts recommend that saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol is kept to an intake level of as low as possible.

Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron

Most Americans don't get enough of these nutrients. The more one eats of these, the more their health can be improved.

You can check out more about healthy eating on my website at

How To Choose The Right Weight Loss Program

Weight loss programs are all over the place nowadays. Everybody seems to have the latest and greatest "magic answer" to lose weight.

The truth is... most of these diets do, in fact, work. But they're certainly not for everyone.

So how do you choose a weight loss program that's right for you?

The most important thing to do is consider certain criteria.

Are you a picky eater? - If you're picky you might not want to indulge in diets that eliminate certain foods or force you to narrow down your choices.

Low carb diets might be horrific for you if you enjoy fruits and vegetables. On the same note, vegetarian diets might be horrible for you if you love meat.

The good news is that there are diets that allow you to eat whatever you want... you just have to discipline yourself not to go overboard.

Do you exercise? - If you're not very active you might want to choose a diet that emphasizes exercise.

On the other might want to choose a diet that doesn't push exercise if you can't or are not willing to put in a lot of exercise.

Do you need support? - If you know that you need someone to help hold you accountable, join an organized weight loss program where you can readily find a partner or a community to support you in your weight loss endeavors.

What's your lifestyle? Make sure that the weight loss program that you ultimately choose is something that fits in well with your life.

You can check out more about diet choices on my website at

Low Carb Diets - How Effective Are They?

Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins have strong short-term effects. I don't know anybody who couldn't lose a ton of weight with it.

I also don't know anybody who was able to keep the weight off once they reintroduced carbs.

This doesn't work for a bunch of reasons.

1. A lot of the weight that you lose on the low carb diet is water weight. Every gram of carbohydrate that you ingest is generally accompanied by 3-5 grams of water. When you lose the carbs, you lose the water. After you decide to start eating carbohydrates again, not only do you get the water weight back, but your body also rebounds against you and starts retaining all new water that comes in. Sure, after a few days, your body will stop retaining the water, but at this point, your mental state has been wrecked. This does not help you psychologically when trying to maintain weight loss.

2. If you drop your carbohydrate level too low while exercising, you can alter your body's T3 levels. This will lower your metabolic rate, which will cause all sorts of bad effects, including losing weight slower.

3. When you don't eat carbohydrates, your body takes whatever protein you get and converts it into glucose, which is then used for energy. This is usually what the role of carbohydrates are, but since you're depriving yourself, your body needs to adjust accordingly. The result of this is that you don't get to experience the important benefits of protein (maintenance, repair, and growth of body tissues), because it's too busy being converted into energy instead.

4. Your muscles lose their density and flatten out when on a low carb diet. Your muscles feel softer, and your energy level goes down.

5. When this diet was popular in the 1970s, doctors saw that people regained their weight very quickly after getting off the diet. They found that this was because people became very carbohydrate sensitive when coming off the diet. The effect was magnified if these people exercised while on the diet. The body would horde as many carbohydrates as possible when they were eaten again, out of fear that they wouldn't get more later.

People gained a lot of water weight that did come off, but people noticed that it was much easier for them to gain weight in the future, and much harder to lose it.
There are many other effects that come with the low carb diet as well... many of them are devastating.

You can check out more about other diet tips on my website at

Starvation Diets - Do They Work?

Many people find it difficult to understand how starvation doesn't help you lose weight all the time...or how it can even make you gain.

The truth is, though... starvation is simply not effective when it comes to weight loss.

The reason for this is because when you restrict the number of calories that you take in, your body literally goes into a "starvation mode".

Your mind thinks that you're doing the logical thing - burning more calories than you're taking in - and so that you should naturally lose weight.

Your body, however, "outsmarts" your mind. It believes that it is not going to be fed any more calories, so it will do everything it can to hold on to whatever calories/fat/etc. that it can get access to.

That means that even if you don't eat any more food now, your body will cling to everything that it was holding before. Food that is in your body will not be burnt as normal... and your weight loss efforts will actually be stagnated.

This would work well if you were in some sort of famine, but not in a situation in which you're trying to lose weight.

Besides this, starvation mode leads to a direct loss of muscle. When this happens, your metabolism is forced to slow down even more (as if the normal consequences weren't enough). When your metabolism slows down, it becomes even more difficult to lose weight.

In addition to all of this, you will likely feel very tired and find it difficult to concentrate.

You can check out more about preventing starvation on my website at

Calories Needed To Lose Weight

Many people think that not eating a lot is a quick way to lose weight. However, the fact of the matter is that calories are needed to lose weight in the long term. Without eating food, the body will go into starvation mode and weight loss will actually stop instead of move forward.

Although some people realize that starvation is actually a counterproductive way to lose weight, they don't know how many calories that they need to eat to lose weight.

The best way to do this is for an individual to track how many calories they eat on a daily basis. Many people say that 2000 calories are a typical day's worth of calories. In actuality, though, that really depends on the weight and size of each individual. Women usually eat around 2000 and men around 2700. Most people are shocked when they find out how much (or how little, but usually the former) they eat once they actually write everything down.

Common practice is to figure out how many calories one eats per day, and then subtract a certain amount of calories during the "diet period". As a general rule, if one reduces 500 calories per day, at the end of 7 days, they will lose one pound (3500 calories).

While the body does respond to eating the same amount of lower-calories every day for the short-term, it plateaus after a while. A good tactic to fight back is to calorie cycle. By calorie cycling, you might eat 2000 calories one day, 2500 the next, and 1500 the next. This constantly keeps your body "on its toes".

The general rule of calorie cycling is to figure out how many calories that you were going to eat if you were going to go on a traditional diet, multiply it by 7, and divvy the calories out for the week. For example, if one was going to eat 1800 calories a day that would be 12,600 calories for the week. Calorie cycling would be eating, for example, 1600, 1800, 1600, 2000, 2200, 1600, and 1800.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Does Fasting To Lose Weight Really Work?

Fasting to lose weight is generally not a good idea. Sure, fasting absolutely works for many things - including cleansing your body of toxins and "refueling" your system - but for weight loss, fasting is not very effective. No doubt about it, fasting will help people lose weight for the short term. It will not, however, allow for permanent fat loss.

The problem undoubtedly comes in when people begin eating again. Because their bodies never know if they are going to receive any more calories (especially if it has hit starvation mode), they desperately cling on to every calorie that they can.

Because of this, one of two things would happen.

The first thing (and the luckier of the two) would be that someone wouldn't be able to lose any more weight once they got off the fast and reintroduced foods. The more common bodily response, though, is to gain weight (even if foods are introduced gradually). Not only would this be damaging short term, but it could also damage the metabolism if fasting happened frequently enough. This is because valuable muscle tissue is lost during the fasting process. Fasting often could make weight loss via normal means even harder in the future.

Other problems that are attributed to fasting are brittle nails, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, diarrhea or constipation, and heart problems. Sudden death could also occur with very low calorie diets. Any type of fast or reduced calorie diet should be medically supervised by a doctor or health professional.

You can check out more about alternatives to fasting on my website at

So You Want To Lose Weight Quick?

If you want to lose weight quickly, there are a number of steps that you could take.

In order to both lose weight quickly and keep it off, though, the choices get a little slimmer. The thing is - low calorie, low carb, and starvation diets certainly do help people lose weight quickly... but after a few months, the "honeymoon period" is over.

So what does one do?

The best course of action to combat flat lining is shifting calories. With this method, people don't do anything unhealthy (with other diets such as low carb, there are a lot of adverse health effects). In fact, shifting calories is something that has been around for many years and is widely used by bodybuilders. With shifting calories, people simply vary the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis. Because the body stays "confused", it cannot adjust in the way that it normally would with a typical low calorie or low carbohydrate diet.

Dieters continue to lose weight long after the "honeymoon period" with this style of eating. People have reported losses of up to 11 pounds every 13 days with shifting calories (although that's not necessarily typical). Because of its ability to work quickly and safely, this is the best way to lose weight quick.

Outside of the quick weight loss, shifting calories is very beneficial psychologically. Because there are "high calorie" days in addition to "low calorie", people don't feel as if they're as neglected as they would be on a typical diet.

Because of this, the shifting calories method has much higher retention rates than other diets.

You can check out more about shifting calories on my website at

A "Lose Weight" Diet Plan - How Hard Is It To Find One?

Diet plans are all over the place for people who have pounds to shed. There are cabbage diets, grape diets, low carbohydrate, low calorie, starvation, and everything in between.

So how does one know the best diet plan for them?

There are a few things that one should consider when looking at diet plans. First, they should look at the long term effects of a diet. Sure, some diets offer rapid weight loss - but long term, how will they impact the dieter? Are there unhealthy side effects? Will weight gain return? Are there psychological impacts? Logically speaking, if someone is going to put in the work and discipline to go on a diet, it would make sense to do something that will give them the greatest return on investment.

Another important thing for a dieter to look at when evaluating diet plans is how easily the diet would fit into their lifestyle. It could be very damaging for someone to be on a restrictive diet and then still having to live everyday life - events at work, going out to eat with family and friends, holidays, and everything in between.

Something else to look for is to make sure if the diet is restrictive food-wise, that you actually like the foods. This might make sense, but there are many people who try out diets (for example, the low carb diet) that simply can't do it long term because of their love for carbs, or dislike for non-carb foods. On the other hand, it might make the most sense for a dieter to restrict something other than foods - such as calories. This way, they can still choose what they want to eat - just eat in moderation.

You can check out more about diet plans on my website at

How Can I Lose Weight?

Many people find themselves asking, at least at one point throughout their life, "How Can I Lose Weight?" While there are many answers, one very effective one is via calorie cycling.

Calorie cycling, also known as zigzag dieting or the shifting calories method, is where one switches up the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis. Other methods of dieting, such as low calorie or low carbohydrate, work short term, but eventually the body figures out what's happening and plateaus. While shifting calories, one achieves absolute control over their body.

To calorie cycle, one needs to figure out how many calories that they would eat on a low calorie diet, multiply it by seven, and then spread the calories out throughout the week. For example, if they were planning on eating 1800 calories a day, they would multiply 1800 by 7 (12,600) and then break those calories up throughout the week.

For example, their calorie allotments might go like this:

Monday - 1800

Tuesday - 2000

Wednesday - 1600

Thursday - 2000

Friday - 1700

Saturday - 1900

Sunday - 1500

Not only is this very effective physically speaking, but it's very beneficial psychologically as well. Because people have both high and low days, they don't feel as restricted as with normal diets. They might not like their low calorie days, but they know that high calorie days are coming, so they can look forward to them. With normal low calorie diets, people don't have any "light at the end of the tunnel", and are generally unhappy.

Because of this, calorie cycling has much longer retention and success rates than other diets.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

The Zigzag Diet - And Why It's So Beneficial

Zigzag dieting, also known as the shifting calories method or calorie cycling, is one of the most healthy and effective ways to lose weight around. In fact, many types of people utilize this method of eating, including bodybuilders (although this type of dieting works for everyone who wants to lose weight... not just people who want to add bulk).

There are many reasons for this.

The first reason is because nothing is restricted in this way of eating. People don't need to cut out carbohydrates, for example, or eliminate any type of food group. Dieters can eat whatever they want, as long as they stay within their (liberal) calorie allotments.

The second reason that this works so well is because of the psychological effects on dieters. Most people, when on a diet, feel as if they're neglected and restricted.

But not with the zigzag diet. The calories are changed on a daily basis. For example, someone might have to eat 1500 calories one day, and then 2000 the next.

Because of these "cheat days", people are much more apt to stay on the diet since they always have something to look forward to.

A third reason that zigzag dieting works so well is that the constant calorie change is almost "fooling" the body (in a healthy way). With other diets, the body learns to adapt to the new way of eating. For example, with very reduced calorie diets, the body goes into starvation mode. However, with zigzag dieting, the body can never adjust since calories are changed so frequently. Therefore, every single time someone goes from high calorie to low calorie, they lose weight.

Lastly, people's bodies are created to respond well to zigzag dieting. People have been eating this way since early evolution, so our bodies are well adapted to it.

You can check out more about zigzag dieting on my website at

Calorie Cycling And Why It Works

Thanks to the weight loss industry, many people think that weight loss is a complex, overwhelming process.

It's not their fault - companies have spent millions of dollars trying to confuse dieters, so that they helplessly spend their money, hand-over-fist, in order to find the latest and greatest "cure".

But people who are able to get "out of the box" and learn about simple and proven weight loss methods tend to have the huge advantage. This is because once they realize that food and the patterns in which they eat is more powerful than any kind of weight loss pill or surgery... they have complete mastery over their body.
Once these people have a grasp of how to eat, they never again have to worry about gaining weight back or becoming fat ever again.

Because it's very, very easy!

All people have to do in order to lose weight is to shift their calories. That's it!

With typical low-calorie or low-carbohydrate diets, people eventually end up in a plateau. Their bodies adjust to the diet, and weight loss halts.

The weight loss industry doesn't want to acknowledge this, though, because low calorie, low fat, and low carbohydrate products account for millions of dollars in revenue.

But with calorie cycling, people constantly switch up the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis. They have low days and high days... and because their bodies never know what to expect, they can never adjust accordingly. Because of this, people continue to lose pounds upon pounds of weight.

Although bodybuilders and other body-conscious people have known about calorie cycling for decades, this is not popular to mainstream America because of the lack of money that people can make from it. With calorie cycling, there's no need for people to buy certain kinds of foods or restrict themselves in any kind of way... so there's not a lot of money in it for companies.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

The Cookie Diet - Does It Work?

Due to the weight loss crazes that prevail in our country, many people are always looking for the "latest and greatest" way to lose weight. The newest fad is the "Cookie Diet", promoted by Dr. Siegal of Miami. This diet has been promoted on many different television and radio shows, and is exactly what it sounds like: a diet in which one eats cookies all day. While half a million people are on this diet (and have lost weight), it's not advisable for the long term.

Why Is The Cookie Diet A Bad Idea?

First of all... any diet that is "short-term" does not make sense when translated into real life. Sure, eating cookies is great for now... but how many people are going to be able to stomach eating cookies every day for the rest of their life (really think about that before you answer!)? Besides, as of right now, there are only six different flavors. Even people with the biggest sweet tooth are not going to be able to eat six flavors for the rest of their days.

A diet should allow you the flexibility to eat what you want.

Next, people don't get to eat very much on the diet. They eat six cookies throughout the day and a dinner. This is a very restrictive way of life that is bound to greatly interfere with social life, events, and work.

A diet should fit in with your lifestyle.

Third, the diet is not very nutritious. As mentioned, one has to eat six cookies throughout the day and a dinner. Unless someone gets in all of their nutrients via vitamins and one heck of a filling dinner... it will be very hard to stay truly healthy.

A diet should allow you to eat healthily.

Fourth, there's a high cost associated with buying these cookies. They're not just any cookies - they have high fiber content in them as well as specific ingredients.

You should not have to spend extra money to be on a diet.

Lastly, if you happen to be out of cookies - you're out of luck for the day. This is inconvenient. A diet should work around what you want - you shouldn't have to work for the diet!

You can check out more about a diet that does work on my website at

Calorie Cycling - Is It Really A New "Fad"?

Calorie cycling has been around since the beginning of evolution. Because of our body composition, there is always a natural "slow-down" period that happens when someone restricts their caloric intake, and cycling calories simply manipulates that to get the best possible weight loss results.

A main reason of why people hit plateaus in their diets is because the body is designed to save fat storages.

Anytime those fat storages are threatened, the metabolism has to slow down in order to compensate.

The thing is - the reason that our bodies are made this way is to adjust to the patterns of our ancestors. Our ancestors were very active, had to literally chase their food to the ground... they didn't get the luxury of living in heated homes, or sitting around and watching TV.

However, because our bodies don't acknowledge this, the extra food continues to pile up as "fat storage", and we gain extra weight.

With calorie cycling, metabolism is pretty much "shocked" from becoming stagnant (in a healthy way). What this means is instead of eating the same amount of calories every day, and the body adjusting , one would continue to change their calorie allotment on a daily basis.

When this happens, your body doesn't know what to do. All along, it was holding along fat storage deposits assuming that you were eating "X" amount of calories per day. When you switch and eat less than X, or more than X, it doesn't know if it should hold on to the fat stores or not... and you end up losing weight.

Bodybuilders have been using this system for years (but they do it to gain weight - with other versions, you can do it to lose weight).

This is actually very healthy and recommended by most doctors.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

The Best Way To Eat - Shifting Calories

With all of the different diet and health information out there, it's easy to become lost in a sea of "This is better, that's better."

But the question still remains - What's the best way to eat when trying to lose weight?

In this author's opinion, the answer is calorie cycling (also known as shifting calories and zigzag diet).

The reason for this is because it's a completely natural and healthy way of losing weight. There are no pills, no patches, no restriction of food groups, and no gaining the weight back as soon as you stop this way of eating. All that one does with shifting calories is vary the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis. It's simple enough, right?

Because the body can't get used to what it's being fed, it can't adjust accordingly, and it can't plateau. With other diets that have the same amount of food per day (for example, diets that say to stay under 35 grams of carbohydrates or to stay on a 1200 calorie diet), the body anticipates this ahead of time. Weight loss comes to a complete halt.

With calorie shifting, there's no anticipation on the body's end, and pounds continue to be melted off. This diet is also the best way to eat because it's so psychologically inviting. There are "cheat days", so people don't feel miserable and restricted. This is generally one of the biggest reasons why people quit diets in the first place. They have eating patterns that are not conducive to their normal way of life, and the "shock" of the change frustrates them.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Slimming Diets - Is There A Difference Among Them?

There are so many different slimming diets out there that claim to make people lose weight. At the end of the day, is there really a difference among them?

The answers might surprise you.

There are all sorts of slimming diets, as you know. But there are huge differences in each diet that one should strongly consider.

For example, with some diets, one can only eat certain amounts of food per day. This is something to consider for a few reasons. First, some people might not like restrictive ways of eating. Second, when one eats a certain amount of food per day, the body often adjusts and weight loss stagnates. In choosing a long-term diet, this is something to consider.

Another important thing to look at when choosing a slimming diet is to see what the success rates are of people who get off the diet. With low carbohydrate diets, for example, many people lose lots of weight. The problem is they generally gain it all back, plus some.

The "shock" to your normal way of eating is something else that's important. Is this a slimming diet that you can live with? Is it something that you can maintain for the rest of your life?

Lastly, how do you feel when you're on this diet? Are you happy because you're losing weight and you know it'll stay off? Are you halfhearted because you know you'll gain the weight as soon as you get off of it? Are you miserable because you can't eat your favorite foods?

All of these things are important. At the end of the day, there's a huge difference between slimming diets.

You can check out more about slimming diets on my website at

Slimming Diets - Is There A Difference Among Them?

There are so many different slimming diets out there that claim to make people lose weight. At the end of the day, is there really a difference among them?
The answers might surprise you.
There are all sorts of slimming diets, as you know. But there are huge differences in each diet that one should strongly consider.
For example, with some diets, one can only eat certain amounts of food per day. This is something to consider for a few reasons. First, some people might not like restrictive ways of eating. Second, when one eats a certain amount of food per day, the body often adjusts and weight loss stagnates. In choosing a long-term diet, this is something to consider.
Another important thing to look at when choosing a slimming diet is to see what the success rates are of people who get off the diet. With low carbohydrate diets, for example, many people lose lots of weight. The problem is they generally gain it all back, plus some.
The "shock" to your normal way of eating is something else that's important. Is this a slimming diet that you can live with? Is it something that you can maintain for the rest of your life?
Lastly, how do you feel when you're on this diet? Are you happy because you're losing weight and you know it'll stay off? Are you halfhearted because you know you'll gain the weight as soon as you get off of it? Are you miserable because you can't eat your favorite foods?
All of these things are important. At the end of the day, there's a huge difference between slimming diets.
You can check out more about slimming diets on my website at

Slimming Diets - Is There A Difference Among Them?

There are so many different slimming diets out there that claim to make people lose weight. At the end of the day, is there really a difference among them?
The answers might surprise you.
There are all sorts of slimming diets, as you know. But there are huge differences in each diet that one should strongly consider.
For example, with some diets, one can only eat certain amounts of food per day. This is something to consider for a few reasons. First, some people might not like restrictive ways of eating. Second, when one eats a certain amount of food per day, the body often adjusts and weight loss stagnates. In choosing a long-term diet, this is something to consider.
Another important thing to look at when choosing a slimming diet is to see what the success rates are of people who get off the diet. With low carbohydrate diets, for example, many people lose lots of weight. The problem is they generally gain it all back, plus some.
The "shock" to your normal way of eating is something else that's important. Is this a slimming diet that you can live with? Is it something that you can maintain for the rest of your life?
Lastly, how do you feel when you're on this diet? Are you happy because you're losing weight and you know it'll stay off? Are you halfhearted because you know you'll gain the weight as soon as you get off of it? Are you miserable because you can't eat your favorite foods?
All of these things are important. At the end of the day, there's a huge difference between slimming diets.
You can check out more about slimming diets on my website at

Fad Diets

There's always going to be a latest-and-greatest way to lose weight. Fad diets sprout up all the time, from the cabbage soup diet to the "all grape" diet, to low carbohydrate to the Hollywood Celebrity Diet.

It's essential to really look at these fad diets before going on anything, because while you may lose weight in the short term, the damage to your body long term could be devastating.

Considering the popularity of these fad diets and the fact that one of every two Americans is still overweight only adds to this conclusion.
The thing is sensible diet plans don't seem to be important with many of the fad diets.

There are two main reasons that people want to lose weight: to both improve their health and/or to look better. They might lose weight short term on fad diets, but for the long term, the approach isn't always the healthiest.

Diets should not go against common knowledge of long-run health. They should not recommend doing counterintuitive things such as reduce carbohydrate intake. They should not include few vegetables and fruits, or few grains. In fact - with all of the low carbohydrate fad diets around, many people have been losing sight of the fact that these foods are not only excellent for your health - but for reducing cancer.

It's easy to become bored and resentful of traditional diets (and understandably so), but the diet that one chooses should still make sense for the long term and be proven.

One such diet is calorie cycling. This diet allows people to eat the types of food that they want (and recommends healthier foods), doesn't restrict any types of foods, and allows for long-term results. Just what the doctor ordered.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Shift Calories To Lose Weight

Shift calories to lose weight. It is it really possible?

The answer is a resounding yes!

Not only is it possible, but it's one of the healthiest and fastest means of weight loss out there. There are a few reasons as to why this is so popular. First, the body doesn't get used to a certain amount of calories, so it can't slow down the metabolism like it would with normal diets.

Also, a lot of people find that they can go on a diet such as low carb, have it work like gangbusters, and then when they go back on it later, they don't lose the weight anymore, because their bodies have gotten used to it.

When you shift calories to lose weight, your body can never get used to anything since you're constantly switching up the equation.

People are almost forced to lose weight as soon as they go on the diet. Some people have lost as much as 11 pounds every 13 days (of course this also depends on how much one weighs to begin with and how much fat they have to lose).

To shift calories and lose weight, all one needs to do is vary their caloric intake on a daily basis. There are a few ways to do this. On one hand, they could eat the same amount of calories every day and then have an extreme "cheat" day every Saturday (or any day). Another way is to switch the calories up on a daily basis, and have two higher days throughout the week.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Tricking Your Body With Calorie Cycling

There's a new sort of calorie cycling trick out there that allows people to quickly lose weight.

This trick works when one switches up the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis.

This works so well because the body never knows how much food it's going to get, so it can never adjust accordingly. You actually "shock" your system by constantly giving it different amounts of calories, and one is almost forced to lose weight over and over.

The great thing about this calorie cycling trick is that it's completely healthy.

People get to still eat normal amounts of calories, and they even get "cheat" days.

How this works is different for different people. Some people like to eat low calorie all week, and then at the end of the week, have a gigantic cheat day.

Some other people (this way is more recommended) like to vary their calories on a daily basis - for example, go from 1300, 1300, 1900, 1300, 1800, 1100, 1400. As you can see, there are two days that are higher than the others, which people tend to love. They love this because they still get to eat more food on some days, and they don't feel neglected or restricted.

For years, bodybuilders have successfully been using this calorie cycling trick... but the mainstream public hasn't found out about it. This is probably likely due to the lack of money that can be made from it, as there are no special foods to buy, and there isn’t anything to make.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Calorie Cycling Menu

Many people, when starting out, want a calorie cycling menu. The thing is there's no need for any special menus since people can eat whatever they want, as long as they stay within their (very generous) calorie allotments.

People can literally eat crap and still lose weight (not that this is at all recommended). On the cheat days, people can go out to eat and not have to worry about anything. They can order whatever they want, because they've done well for the other days in which they ate low calorie.

This might seem like a crazy Utopia, but it truly does work. There's just no reason for a calorie cycling menu when on this diet.

All people need to do is easily track the calories that they eat (which can easily be done on most websites) and make sure that they line up with the generous amount of calories that they're supposed to be eating on their low days.

On their high days, depending on which plan they go with, they might not even bother to track the calories, because they've been so good all week. This is one of the perks of being on a calorie cycling (also known as calorie shifting or zigzag diet) plan.

Most people who follow some sort of calorie cycling menu like to eat healthier, just because calorie cycling is more of a healthy diet plan, and it attracts more of those people. Either way, it doesn't matter - follow the calorie allotments and you'll be on a healthy road to weight loss.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Calorie Shifting Theory

As of late, there's been a popular calorie shifting theory that people seem to be taking interest in. The funny thing is, this "theory" is nothing new at all - bodybuilders and other athletes have been using this for years, only they term it "calorie cycling" or the "zigzag diet".

While bodybuilders have been using it to lose weight, people can easily twist this calorie shifting theory to work for them in losing weight.

All that needs to be done in order to lose weight is to vary the amount of calories that someone takes in per day. There's no need to eat any type of food, do any specific type of exercise, or restrict anything. There are even cheat days so that people don't feel resentful of being on this type of diet.

This calorie shifting theory seems to be taking the world by storm because it's so much healthier than most of the fad diets that are out there. People can eat healthy (or not, if they choose - but that's not recommended), eat more calories than typical diets, and eat portion sizes that they want - and they still lose weight.

It's almost like a utopia.

Another reason that people are happy to be on this diet is because there's no being uncomfortable. There are no social worries to deal with (they don't need to feel "different" at social events when on a diet, for example), they don't even need to tell people that they're on a diet (with the shifting calorie theory method of eating, you can eat what you want, so nobody would know), and they're not all.

You can check out more about the calorie shifting theory on my website at

Healthy Calorie Cycling

Many people want to know, is calorie cycling healthy?

This is a good question, because so many fad diets out there are terrible for you.

There are the diets that promote radically low calorie ways of eating that make dieters gain every ounce of weight back after they get off the diet...

Or low carbohydrate diets that are known to do all sorts of horrific things, including raise the potential for heart attacks.

And there's also the typical malnutrition diets that come along with diets that restrict certain foods and only allow people to eat one type of food (or food group) in order to lose weight.

With calorie cycling, though, the answer is, YES. Calorie cycling truly is healthy.

This is because people don't have to restrict anything. They don't need to eat certain types of foods, they don't need to get rid of any type of food group in their diet, and they don't need to eat painfully low amounts of calories.

This diet has a very large success rate of people who not only stay on the diet, but who keep the weight off. This is because, during normal diets, the body gets used to the low calorie or low carbohydrate or whatever else the dieter is restricting themselves of. When the dieter gets off the diet, the body is getting more than it thinks it needs (and has been getting), so weight gain eventually pops up again.

With calorie cycling, the body can never adjust since it never had any idea what was coming to it, so weight keeps melting off like butter. Calorie cycling=very healthy.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

How To Shift Calories

After reading so much about calorie cycling and calorie shifting, most people want to know - How do I shift calories?

There are two answers here.

Actually, it's a very simple process.

One can either eat the same amount of low calories all week, or then cheat like crazy for the last day. The body will be expecting the same amount of low calories at the end of the week, and when it doesn't get it, it'll be "shocked". Going from the high day to the low day again will catapult weight loss.

A way that more people do it is to eat moderate calories for most of the week, and have two higher cheat days throughout. This is good because people don't need to wait a long time to cheat, and because they're not miserable 6 days out of 7.

They're happy 5 out of 7 and very happy for 2 out of 7.

The reason why people are happy:

There's no feeling neglected, no wanting to get off the diet, and no resentment. In fact, psychologists as well as doctors strongly recommend this diet for these reasons.

The other reason that this works is because the body can never get used to a single eating plan, such as low carb or low calorie. This means it can never adjust accordingly as it normally would. Because of this, weight keeps flying off.

You can check out more about how to shift calories, visit my website at

Is Drinking Water To Lose Weight Really That Effective?

One of the simplest ways to lose pounds is by drinking water to lose weight. Water is a completely natural and vital part of our bodies (in fact, 66% of our body weight is composed in water). It would only make sense that water plays a vital role in weight loss as well.

To really benefit from this completely natural remedy, you should first begin your day with a cool glass of water. If you drink tea or coffee, drink the tea or coffee right after drinking some water. Drink another glass before breakfast.

See, most people drink beverages that are calorie-heavy and unnecessary. They'll make you gain weight to boot. If you drink water before breakfast, some of the hunger that you have will be filled from the water, and you might not feel the need to drink the high calorie beverages.

If you drink water before every meal, this will give the same effect. Since water takes up stomach-space, you're likely to feel fuller faster... just by drinking 8 ounces of water. Your food will settle faster as well.

Overall, drink water as often as you can. It really has strong advantages in helping control weight loss by discouraging you to binge from foods. It also frees your body from harmful toxins that are otherwise fatal. It makes us feel healthier and more energetic. There's no side effects to it, costs nothing, and has no calories.

Drinking water in addition to a calorie cycling diet is the equivalent of typing in your ideal weight on a scale and making it come true.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

What Diet Plan Is The Best For You?

Do you often wonder, "What is the best diet plan for me?" This is not an uncommon question, and is one that you need to take many different things into consideration.

To start with... Americans, who have more overweight people than any other country, lose millions of fat per year... only to gain it back after a small amount of time. The reason for this isn't difficult to figure out - most people follow fad diets which provide minimal nutritional value.

Diets such as the Atkins, South Beach, Cookie Diet, etc... are popular because of the whole "herd" mentality in which everybody follows a fad just because others are doing it. If you want to know what the best diet plan is, you should strongly consider calorie cycling.

Calorie cycling is not one of those fad diets that are devoid of nutritional value. In fact, you can eat anything that you want when you're following a calorie cycling diet.

You can also have "cheat days" so that you don't feel neglected and restricted. Most people become overwhelmed when going on a diet because they need to make such drastic lifestyle changes, and they instantly become miserable.

People also generally resent diets when they have to live differently from everyone else. For example, with the Atkins diet, it's hard to go out to eat and not have some bread from the bread basket... but doing so would destroy the day's efforts.

With calorie cycling, one can eat whatever they want and still lose weight, as long as they adhere to the (very generous) calorie standards.

If you want to know what the best diet plan is, strongly consider calorie cycling.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Diet Meal Plans - What's The Best One?

How often do you end up searching for diet meal plans? Does it seem like there's always a new way of eating that's the latest and greatest? Many people fall into this circle. Swayed by endless diets, they constantly try the newest fad diet, whether it is Atkins, South Beach, the Cookie Diet, or anything else.

The problem is even though most Americans have tried diets, one out of every two Americans is also overweight. Obviously, these diet meal plans aren't working.

The reason for this, more often than not, is because the diet meal plans are restrictive and people feel resentful. Dieters don't want to eat the same thing over and over, or restrict foods or food groups out of their daily nutrition.

Because of this, calorie shifting is very appealing to many people. With calorie shifting, there's no need to restrict foods or eat any specific meal plan. People can eat anything they want, even "junk" foods (although that is not recommended) and they'll still lose major pounds.

People can still eat from any of the food groups (including carbohydrates!) with calorie shifting. Not only this, but they don't need to follow any kind of meal strategy. They don't need to eat at certain times of the day, eat a certain amount of meals, or alter anything that they do throughout the day except for stick to their generous calorie allotments.

Not only that, but they get cheat days 1 to 2 times weekly where they can eat anything they want. This diet is highly recommended by most doctors and psychologists as one of the best diet meal plans out there.

You can check out more about calorie shifting on my website at

How To Lose Weight -Here's A Fantastic Answer

So many people end up asking, "How do I lose weight?" at some point in their lives.

This isn't surprising, as one of every two Americans is overweight and struggling to lose weight.

Americans, more than ever, have been swayed from fad diet to fad diet. Even when they try normal diets such as reducing calories and exercising more, weight loss eventually stops because the body gets used to the low calories and plateaus.

There is an answer though, and that is calorie cycling. If you ever wanted to know how to lose weight, calorie cycling is the answer to your prayers.

See, calorie cycling isn't anything "fad"-ish. There are no certain meals to eat, no specific recipes, no restriction from any food groups. People can eat anything they want (including well balanced diets, which are highly recommended but not necessary) and still lose weight as long as they shift their calories.

This method "tricks" the body into not being able to adjust ever, and so weight loss continues to happen for the dieters time and time again. The diet is very easy to follow, and people end up falling in love with it.

Beyond this, there are days where dieters can eat literally anything they want. Even doing this, people can still lose weight because of the way the body reacts. In fact, without the "cheat days", people would stop losing weight! This is counterintuitive to what most people believe, but it works, and it works well. In fact, most doctors and psychologists highly recommend this diet.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Natural Ways To Lose Weight

If you're looking for natural ways to lose weight, fabulous job! With the days of "quick fix" pills, chemicals, potions and surgeries, it takes a strong person to look for a way of doing something naturally.

See, we are now bombarded with different types of advertisements that promise the moon and stars. To wade through these advertisements is very admirable. The good thing is there is a way to lose weight naturally and quickly, and still not have to do anything unhealthy.

This method is called calorie cycling.

With calorie cycling, people eat a normal amount of calories 5 days a week, and get to cheat 1 to 2 other days. This helps the body to stop from adjusting to low calorie or other restrictive diets, and the body practically forces you to lose weight.

This diet is completely natural (there are no supplements, etc.) and heartily recommended by most doctors and psychologists.

The diet is natural because our ancestors actually were the ones who got our body primed for calorie cycling. Back in the cavemen days, people wouldn't get to eat as frequently, so the body would hold on to whatever it could into fat storage deposits. Now that our bodies are different (we eat more, are less active, etc.), the body still holds on to fat storage deposits based on how many calories our body typically needs.

However, with calorie cycling, if your body doesn't know how much you typically need... it can't hold on to fat storage deposits, making this one of the most perfect and natural ways to lose weight.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Setting A Personal Weight Loss Goal

Setting a personal weight loss goal can prove to be very difficult for people. In fact... making the decision to lose weight is only half of the issue. Making that personal weight loss goal is a hefty other half. Without it, you'll have a very hard time motivating yourself to push through weight loss goals. Most overweight people have a very difficult time pushing themselves to lose weight. It doesn't come that easy. It's really not that easy all the time.

In setting a personal weight loss goal, ask yourself how you respond to the anxiety and fear that hits you when you begin thinking about your weight loss goals? There are different responses. Some people blame others, some people follow diets and then quit soon after, and some starve themselves, thinking it will help them lose weight fast.

News flash: None of these get you any thinner. They just get you more miserable.
Changing your attitude will be one of the first steps in making you lose weight faster. Remember, "If you always do what you've always done... you'll always get what you've always gotten". Think outside of what you would normally do and maybe you'll get an abnormal result.

So, what's the thing that constantly keeps you from pursuing your weight loss goal? Is it because you're always hungry?

One solution to this is to try calorie cycling. With calorie cycling, not only do you get to eat more calories, but you get full "cheat days" where you can eat pretty much everything you want. And not only does this work... but it works with outstanding results, and bodybuilders have used it for years!

It might seem like a crazy utopia, but it is true, and definitely something to consider when choosing how to make your personal weight loss goal.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

What Are The Best Ways To Lose Weight?

If you're looking for ways to lose weight, then you have already admitted to yourself that you need to make a change. Congratulations for that.

Your first step should be to create a weight loss goal for yourself. Set a goal that is both realistic and achievable. Setting unrealistic goals that you can't achieve will set you up for misery. You should also have a proper and balanced diet. With calorie cycling, this is very easy.

Having a strong support group is very important as well. Make sure to have people around you that will help hold you accountable so that when you're feeling as if you don't want to count calories, they will make sure that you do.

When you're looking for ways to lose weight, it might be a good idea to find a diet that will help you lose a lot of weight in the very beginning, like calorie cycling. It's not always healthy to lose a ton of weight right away, but the first few weeks of calorie cycling will do that for you, and it will help inspire you to stay on the diet.

Granted, there are many types of diet plans and not every plan is suitable for everyone. When choosing a diet plan, make sure that you consider how much and what you're eating now, and how that would change when you went with a specific diet plan.

Also, make sure to get your doctor's permission before starting any weight loss plan. Calorie cycling comes highly regarded with both doctors and psychologists.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

What Is The Best Post Holiday Diet?

If you're looking for the best post holiday diet, consider yourself one among millions of Americans.

As the holidays and all of the food that comes with it roll around, many people find themselves with an extra 5-15 pounds by the end of it all.

In the last few years, many different fad diets have abounded. Many of these have been very restrictive (Atkins, GI, the Cookie Diet, Grape Diet, etc.), and while they worked well in the short term, because they were so hard to cope with for the long-term, people promptly dropped them.

Some other people have done proven diets, such as low calorie. However... the best post holiday diet isn't low calorie. This is because even though low calorie does work, after a while, the body ends up adjusting and weight loss comes to a halt.

A new diet was recently introduced, and if you agree with hundreds of doctors and psychologists, it's the best post holiday diet out there. It's called "shifting calories" or "calorie cycling", and bodybuilders have been using it for years. There is a new spin on it for normal dieters though, and people have been reporting staggering weight losses.

This calorie shifting diet has tons of benefits compared to other diets. One gets to eat the foods that they like, and they get "cheat days" so that they don't feel neglected. Because of this, people feel more comfortable on the diet and stay on it longer.

There is little criticism of this diet and it is generally highly recommended by weight loss professionals.

You can check out more about calorie shifting on my website at

Low Calorie Snacks - Why They're Not All They're Cracked Up To Be

If you're looking for low calorie snacks, congratulations! It means that you're taking a healthy step in watching your health and making sure that you don't overeat.

Be warned, though... eating consistently low calorie will hurt your weight loss efforts. Don't feel bad for not knowing this: a lot of people don't understand how low calorie or starvation can actually hinder your weight loss efforts (or make you stay the same... or in worst case scenario, gain weight).

When you eat a low calorie diet, in the beginning, there's a deficit of calories that you're taking in versus what you're eating. You naturally lose weight.

However, the way that your body is designed is to protect you. After a while, it will go into "starvation mode" because it will think that you were in some sort of famine. It'll think that you're not going to feed it any more calories, so it will hold on to any calories that it can get access to, for dear life.

When this happens, your fat burning hormones get demolished. Your fat cells release leptin, which is an anti-starvation hormone, and it refuses to release as many fat-releasing and fat-burning enzymes.

Not only this... but you lose lean body mass.

Not to mention... starvation mode leads to a direct loss of muscle, and this makes your metabolism slow down even more. It becomes even more difficult to lose weight after this.

Logically, you might think that since you're eating less, you should eat more, but it just doesn't happen.

Outside of the cosmetic effects, you're likely to feel more tired and have more difficulty concentrating.

People who go on low calorie diets with low calorie snacks often end up gaining more weight in the long term because they get so frustrated, give up the diet, binge, and rinse and repeat.

Calorie cycling is a great alternative to low calorie diets, as it combats all of these problems and is still completely healthy and natural.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Low Calorie Foods - Stop Eating Them!

If you're looking for low calorie foods, there is good news and bad news for you.
The good news: You're in luck. There are plenty of them available.

The bad news: Eating too much low calorie food can actually hurt your weight loss efforts... sometimes forcing you to both plateau and not lose any weight, or worse case scenario, gain weight.

There are a lot of problems that come with eating very low calorie that people don't know about.

Now, don't get me wrong... watching what you eat is a great move and is one that any healthful person should do.

But be warned... if you eat too few calories, your body goes into hunger mode.
Doing this leads to a plethora of bad news, including:

• Lean body mass is lost.

• Loss of muscle, which directly makes metabolism slow down and hinders weight loss efforts

• Fat burning hormones slow down and release leptin (anti-starvation hormone)

• Leptin refuses to release the amount of fat-releasing and fat-burning enzymes as it used to

• You feel tired

• You have less energy

• You're more likely to get frustrated and give up. Once you do this, it often leads to binges, which leads to more frustration.

A great alternative to this all-too-common problem is to implement calorie cycling. With calorie cycling, you still need to watch the amount of calories that you take in, but you get to alternate your low calorie days with your high calorie days. Because of this, your body never knows what to expect, and it can't go into starvation mode. Also, you won't feel frustrated and likely to give up, and you'll stay on the diet even longer.

These reasons are why doctors and psychologists heartily recommend calorie cycling.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Free Low Calorie Recipes - Should You Be Looking For Them?

If you're looking for free low calorie recipes, there are plenty of them available. A simple Google search will find hundreds of them for you.

But beware before you eat any of that low calorie food!

Many people mistakenly think that following a low calorie diet will be the answer to all of their weight loss prayers.

And while people who follow low calorie diets are still being a lot healthier than those who subscribe to all of the latest fad diets...

They're still making a grave mistake.

See... following a low calorie diet and looking for free low calorie recipes will certainly help you lose weight in the short term. There's absolutely no doubt about that.

The problem, however, comes in the long run.

See, when the body takes in too few calories, it eventually goes into what is called "starvation mode". Starvation mode is a very dangerous place to be. Besides the body not allowing you to lose any more weight, your metabolism slows down (due to the loss of muscle).

People who stay on low calorie diets too long also generally feel neglected, and therefore cranky. Most dieters end up giving up shortly after they begin diets because they can't fit their diets into their lifestyle for long-term.

One alternative to this is to use calorie cycling. Calorie cycling still accounts for healthy eating, but the dieter switches up calories so that there is no adjustment to any kind of severely low calorie routine. Because of this, the body can't go into starvation mode, and it remains healthy.

This method of eating has been used for years by bodybuilders and has recently been given a spin for "normal" dieters.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Weight Watchers Restaurant Points And Why They Might Not Be Good For You

If you're looking for Weight Watchers Restaurant Points, you must be interested in learning how to make healthier choices when eating out.

Everybody loves to eat fast food... and for good reason. The food tastes good, you don't have to cook or clean up, and you get to be served.

However... it's very easy to make mistakes. Follow some of these tips and you're on way to making great restaurant choices.

If you go to a fast food chain such as McDonalds, instead of ordering the Big Mac (which has a massive 540 calories and 34 grams of fat), order a hamburger and a side salad instead. It's just as filling and 200 calories less.

Instead of the McFlurry, you can have a plain vanilla ice cream cone and save another 300 calories.

If you're eating out at Burger King, instead of getting the Double Whopper with cheese (which has a tremendous 990 calories and 64 grams of fat), you should get... anything! Jokes aside, you can opt for the Whopper Jr. sandwich. Getting this without mayonnaise will only cost you 290 calories and 12 grams of fat.

Kentucky Fried Chicken has foods that are famous for being high in fat and calories. A mere three crispy strips are 400 calories and 24 grams of fat. You can easily get the tender roast chicken instead, which has 250 calories and only 11grams of fat.
Watch the side dishes as well - you could be surprised. For example, the mashed potatoes and gravy have 130 calories and 4.5 grams of fat while the coleslaw has 190 calories and 11 grams of fat.

However... if you're looking to cheat once in a while... maybe Weight Watchers and the Weight Watchers restaurant points isn't the diet for you. You might want to look into calorie cycling, which allows the dieter to eat low calorie for a few days, and then has "cheat days" one to two times a week. People love this diet because they don't have to restrict themselves, and they know that a day where they can have a "free for all" is around the horizon.

Calorie cycling seems counterintuitive to many people who subscribe to low calorie diets, but most doctors and psychologists heartily recommend this way of eating.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Healthy Choices At Fast Food Restaurants

Looking for healthy choices at fast food restaurants is a wise move. It's very easy to eat high calorie, low-nutritional-value food when eating out.

Salt, fat, and calories are easy to come by with fast food, however.

The good news is that most fast food restaurants have the nutritional value of the menu items available for customers, so you don't have to be sidelined. Remember to ask for this as most of the restaurant's most popular items are incredibly damaging to a normal weight loss diet.

With that in mind, let's explore some restaurants.

Kentucky Fried Chicken is a restaurant that can really fool you. For example... you might think that the coleslaw would be a healthier choice than mashed potatoes. The calorie content and fat grams beg to differ, though. Mashed potatoes with gravy have 130 calories and 4 and a half fat grams, while the coleslaw has 190 calories and a hefty 11 grams of fat.

Just three crispy strips at KFC will pack on 400 calories and 24 calories of fat. A healthier choice would be the tender roasted chicken, which has 250 calories and 11 grams of fat.

When eating out at the burger chains, opting for a plain hamburger (preferably without mayonnaise) and side salad is generally a lot safer than the restaurant trademarks such as the "Big Mac" or "Whopper".

You can easily find more healthy choices by doing a simple Google search.

If all of this "substitute" talk leaves you a little ill, you might want to consider a different weight loss strategy. This strategy, called calorie cycling, allows the dieter to eat a moderate amount of calories most of the week... and also has 1 to 2 cheat days built in, every single week.

People generally love this because they still get to eat "bad" foods which they wouldn't ordinarily eat, but they're still losing weight.

The reason that this happens is because your metabolism gets confused and can't go into starvation mode (which is what generally happens with low calorie diets), and continues to heartily burn fat.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

The Shifting Calories Theory

The Shifting Calories Theory is one of the newest "it" phrases in the weight loss industry. The interesting thing, though, is that shifting calories has been around for a long time. It's been called many things, including "calorie cycling", "calorie shifting", and "the zigzag diet".

Although most "it" diets focus on restriction of some kind (whether through calories, food groups, or eating only specific foods), The Shifting Calories Theory is a bit different. It focuses on eating any kind of food that the dieter wants (but recommends healthy foods, of course).

This weight loss method, which seems counterintuitive to people, actually gives most dieters fast and continuous weight loss.

There are two different websites that are promoting The Shifting Calories Theory right now. One of these websites works by supplying the dieter with many different meal choices to eat, grouped by calorie. The dieter gets to choose the meals that they want, and make sure that their calories equal what the calorie calculator tells them to eat. Dieters get to eat a liberal amount of calories most of the week and even get one to two "cheat days" so that they don't feel restricted.

These "cheat days" are what makes psychologists adore the diet, and what makes dieters stay on the diet.

Some websites have success stories from people who have lost over 18 pounds in two weeks (obviously this is not typical).

The Shifting Calories Theory works so well because it was discovered that deprivation diets force one's metabolism to actually slow down. While weight loss is effortless in the beginning, metabolism slows down and people have a hard time continuing to lose weight and subsequently plateau.

You can check out more about The Shifting Calories Theory on my website at

Why The Zigzag Diet Rocks!

A new and unique diet method that's hitting the United States is called the zigzag diet. The zigzag diet is a spinoff of something that bodybuilders have been using for years, and ensures rapid and consistent weight loss.

This is a very healthy diet that many doctors and psychologists recommend.

The reason that it's so highly regarded is because the zigzag diet doesn't provide just short term weight loss. It also ensures that you don't gain weight back, and that your body doesn't go into starvation mode.

Dieters lose weight without having to deprive themselves of nutrients, food groups, or even "bad" food (they get to eat whatever they want as long as they stay within their calorie allotments... unless they're on a "cheat" day).

The zigzag diet is essentially switching up calories from one day to another. This helps keep one's metabolism high, and forces the body to burn fat quicker. People don't have to go hungry or stop eating; they simply need to change up their calorie intakes.

Another important point in this diet is that since people continue to change what they eat, they don't have to get bored, as people often do on other more restrictive diets. There are no specific things to eat, and people can literally choose whatever they like.

The zigzag diet is much easier to stick to than most other diets, and it's why the diet has a much larger retention rate than many of the other diets. People actually enjoy this diet.

You can check out more about the zigzag diet on my website at

Low Calorie Desserts - Why Not Go Full Calorie?

If you're looking for low calorie desserts, congratulations for making a conscious decision to watch your food intake. It's important to know what's going into your body and having some control of it.

In a moment, you'll get some low calorie desserts ideas... but first, it's important to mention that consistently eating low calorie isn't necessarily always the best tactic when trying to lose weight.

Shocking and counterintuitive, yes... but it's the truth.

See... low calorie definitely does help lose weight for the short term... but the problem is, people eventually plateau after a while because the body adjusts to the same low calorie amount. Metabolism slows down, muscle is lost, and dieters get frustrated.

A new method, called calorie cycling, allows people to have "cheat days" (that are carefully calculated) so that the body can't adjust to normal low calorie routines.

Metabolism can't slow down, and fat burning continues at a fast pace.

That being said, low calorie desserts can still be delicious, so here are some ideas.

Sugar Free Jello


Fruit Smoothies

Fruit and Cool Whip



Skinny Cow Ice Cream treats


Vitamuffin Muffins

You can also do substitutions. For example, you can use fat-free or 1% milk instead of regular milk, or egg substitute/egg whites instead of eggs. You could use Splenda instead of sugar, fat-free whipped cream instead of full cream, a graham cracker crust instead of a pie crust, or dried fruit instead of chocolate chips.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Low Calorie Diet Plan - Be Careful, It Won't Work!

Even though most people tell you that a low calorie diet plan is the way to go, the truth of the matter is that low calorie doesn't always work successfully.

See... weight loss isn't as simple as keeping calories out all the time.

Sure, in the short term, you lose weight with that theory. You might even lose a bit of weight.

Eventually though, as any seasoned dieter will know, you'll plateau. Your body will get used to the amount of calories that you're putting into it, and your metabolism will adjust accordingly.

And if you're eating really low calorie it'll even go into starvation mode, holding on to fat storages for you. When it does that, not only will you not lose more weight... but you might even gain weight.

This might come as a shock since most people promote the low calorie diets... but think... most people promote low calorie, but one out of every two Americans is overweight. Obviously something's wrong with common knowledge (either that, or people aren't staying on their diets).

Calorie cycling is the answer to both of those answers. It goes against common knowledge because it allows you to have "cheat" days. This not only makes people like the diet (which means they stay on it), but it "tricks" the metabolism so that it can never adjust to a certain amount of calories. When this happens, weight loss continues to occur for long periods of time... unlike with the low calorie diet plan.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Low Calorie Wine Ideas - And A Warning!

If you're looking for low calorie wine, there are a few different drinks that you can go with.

There's Beringer Blass Wine Estates, which is lower in calories and alcohol than their similar California wine counterparts. They say that this is because the grapes in their wines were picked before they had time to build up a lot of sugar. A 5 ounce glass of White Lie has 97 calories instead of the typical 115, and the alcohol level is 9.8% versus the typical 13%.

Bacardi's Island Breeze is another drink that's lower in calories because they use sucralose to sweeten the rum instead of the usual sugars. The alcohol level is lower as well, as it is 18% compared to the normal 35%.

There's also a new alcohol that came out by the brand name called The Mad Housewife and Two Wives, and an online retailer named Lola that boasts the same low calorie, lower alcohol wines.

Consider yourself warned, though - drinking low calorie wine (or following any kind of solely low calorie diet) will not necessarily help you lose weight.

Eating low calorie all the time will eventually make your weight loss stagnate, because your body will get used to what you're giving it and expect it. And as soon as you put in more calories... you'll gain weight. The only thing that you'll be able to do to lose weight is to eat LESS... and then you'll start the same cycle all over again.

Calorie cycling is just the thing that you should look into. It makes you switch your calories up constantly, so your body never knows what to expect, and it continues to churn out fat like a machine.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Looking For Low Calorie Beer?

Low calorie beer is one of the new products brought to market that many people are raving about. And while it seems like a phenomenal thing to drink compared to the normal stuff... be warned that low calorie can be hazardous to your health!

Before we get into that, though... some low calorie beers (all with 12 oz. serving sizes):

Natural Light Beer has 97 calories.

Schlitz Light Beer has 96 calories.

Miller Lite Beer has 96 calories.

Pabst Blue Ribbon Extra Light has 70 calories.

Budweiser Light has 108 calories.

Generic Beer has 104 calories.

Coors Light has 102 calories.

As far as the hazards of low calorie beer - make sure you know that eating a very low calorie diet can put your body in starvation mode. Not only will you stop losing weight, but you'll actually have the potential to gain weight.

Even if you're not eating very low calorie and just low calorie your body can (and will) plateau after you eat the same amount of calories over and over. When this happens to most people, they get frustrated, give up their diet, and binge eat. They do this over and over and it causes an unhealthy cycle for both mind and body.

There's a new style of eating that many psychologists and doctors recommend, called calorie cycling. With this way of eating, you shift the amount of calories that you eat so that your body is constantly kept "on its toes". You can't plateau because your body never knows what's being put in it. This diet has very high success rates because not only do people enjoy being on it for the quick results, but it's also healthy and psychologically sound.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

Want A Healthy Diet For Your Teenager?

In choosing a healthy diet for teenagers, there are a few important things that need to be considered.

First, one needs to consider how easily the diet will fit into the teenager's lifestyle. The last thing that a teen wants to do is be on a diet that will make them stand out from their peers.

It should be a diet that a teenager could stick to as well, since something unrealistic or too restrictive will make them resentful and likely to give up, which would not only give them further health problems, but self esteem issues to boot.

The healthy diet for teenager should also have some "fun" in it. Not many teenagers want to stick on a basic low calorie diet of the same boring foods all the time.

If the teenager is a picky eater, that needs to be taken into consideration, and not to mention their normal need of your support.

One diet meets all of these criteria. The diet, called calorie cycling, is a new spin on a popular bodybuilding tactic. Calorie cycling allows people to lose weight very quickly, and is highly recommended by doctors and psychologists.

The reason that this is so highly recommended is because there's a lot of leeway in it. 5 days a week, the teenager would eat a moderate amount of calories (it's calculated based on the age, weight, and activity level of each person). For 2 days, they get to have "cheat" days.

Teenagers generally love this diet because they don't feel as if they have to be strict all the time... and although it doesn't seem like it would help, the high calorie days actually allow dieters to lose even more weight through "tricking" the metabolism.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at