This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Healthy Calorie Cycling

Many people want to know, is calorie cycling healthy?

This is a good question, because so many fad diets out there are terrible for you.

There are the diets that promote radically low calorie ways of eating that make dieters gain every ounce of weight back after they get off the diet...

Or low carbohydrate diets that are known to do all sorts of horrific things, including raise the potential for heart attacks.

And there's also the typical malnutrition diets that come along with diets that restrict certain foods and only allow people to eat one type of food (or food group) in order to lose weight.

With calorie cycling, though, the answer is, YES. Calorie cycling truly is healthy.

This is because people don't have to restrict anything. They don't need to eat certain types of foods, they don't need to get rid of any type of food group in their diet, and they don't need to eat painfully low amounts of calories.

This diet has a very large success rate of people who not only stay on the diet, but who keep the weight off. This is because, during normal diets, the body gets used to the low calorie or low carbohydrate or whatever else the dieter is restricting themselves of. When the dieter gets off the diet, the body is getting more than it thinks it needs (and has been getting), so weight gain eventually pops up again.

With calorie cycling, the body can never adjust since it never had any idea what was coming to it, so weight keeps melting off like butter. Calorie cycling=very healthy.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

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