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This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Shifting Calories Theory

The Shifting Calories Theory is one of the newest "it" phrases in the weight loss industry. The interesting thing, though, is that shifting calories has been around for a long time. It's been called many things, including "calorie cycling", "calorie shifting", and "the zigzag diet".

Although most "it" diets focus on restriction of some kind (whether through calories, food groups, or eating only specific foods), The Shifting Calories Theory is a bit different. It focuses on eating any kind of food that the dieter wants (but recommends healthy foods, of course).

This weight loss method, which seems counterintuitive to people, actually gives most dieters fast and continuous weight loss.

There are two different websites that are promoting The Shifting Calories Theory right now. One of these websites works by supplying the dieter with many different meal choices to eat, grouped by calorie. The dieter gets to choose the meals that they want, and make sure that their calories equal what the calorie calculator tells them to eat. Dieters get to eat a liberal amount of calories most of the week and even get one to two "cheat days" so that they don't feel restricted.

These "cheat days" are what makes psychologists adore the diet, and what makes dieters stay on the diet.

Some websites have success stories from people who have lost over 18 pounds in two weeks (obviously this is not typical).

The Shifting Calories Theory works so well because it was discovered that deprivation diets force one's metabolism to actually slow down. While weight loss is effortless in the beginning, metabolism slows down and people have a hard time continuing to lose weight and subsequently plateau.

You can check out more about The Shifting Calories Theory on my website at

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