This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Shifting Calories Method And Why It Works

Shifting calories is a great way to lose weight, because it helps you easily trick your body.

When you eat low calorie or low carbohydrate, your body gets used to the same routine. Eating 1200 (or however many you choose) calories every day is something that your body can easily get used to, and it will adjust accordingly. It will lower your metabolism accordingly, and it will make you lose weight at a much slower pace.

With this method, your body never knows what's coming to it, so it will never be able to plateau. You'll continuously lose weight, over and over again.

This is also great for your psychological mindset. When you do the shifting calorie method the right way, you shift your calories to a certain level on different days.

Because some days are almost drastically higher, you get to "cheat" on those days.

This is great for people because they don't feel like they're missing out on their favorite foods, or that they're different from the non-dieters in their life.

You're also never bored with your diet, which is very important. "Diets" don't really help people - but lifestyle changes that are easy to commit to for life are things that will allow weight loss to stay off for a long, long time. With the shifting calorie method, you also don't need to deprive yourself of nutrients, as you would on diets such as the cabbage soup diet, the cookie diet, or other popular fad diets. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it's within calorie allotments.

You can check out more about the shifting method on my website at

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.
