This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How To End Emotional Eating

If you want to know how to end emotional eating...congratulations. It takes a strong person to even recognize that they might be doing this.

To begin with, let's identify what emotional eating actually is.

It's eating when a specific incidence (or set of incidences) happens that produces a "high" or "low" feeling for someone. For example, someone might seek comfort in food after a bad day at work, a fight with a loved one... or even something small such as having to sit in a lot of traffic before work.

Conversely, one might emotionally eat when there are good things happening as well. People often gain weight when they're in relationships because they're so happy and comfortable.

It's important to acknowledge that sometimes people get urges to eat food for reasons that have little to do with being hungry, but more of catering to our desires. We get desires to eat and we think that the only cure for these temptations is to eat fattening foods (and in actuality, there are more healthy things that can be done).

Emotional eating only leads to downward spirals because it makes the problem worse since it leads to feelings of guilt, packing on weight, and overall adding poor nutrition to the body.

It's a good thing that you're looking for information on how to end emotional eating.
Some things that you can do immediately are to figure out why you're emotionally eating and what types of events make you do this. You can also figure out when you're really hungry as opposed to when you want to just eat emotionally.

You should also find other ways to release your feelings (both positive and negative). You can write in a journal, go shopping, indulge in a bath, or read a good book.

You can check out more about how to end emotional eating on my website at

How To Control Emotional Eating

Emotional eating can really destroy your weight loss efforts. Making sure that you get a grip on this will be able to really help you lose weight in the future.

If you want to know how to control emotional eating, you should know for sure exactly what it is.

See... sometimes we get a longing to eat for reasons that have nothing to do with actual hunger. We have desires for food (usually fattening foods that are salty or sweet) when emotions are in highs or lows. We have the urge to eat, and we think nothing else will make us better.

You might recall how people say that they gain lots of weight when they break up with someone, for example.

Emotional eating sometimes happens when there's a major incidence to trigger it... such as the aforementioned breakup, a job loss, etc. It can also happen for smaller things, such as being nagged by a boss, or dealing with traffic.

The problem with emotional eating is that it makes problems even worse, because it leads to guilt issues, weight gain, and poor health.

If you want to know how to control emotional eating, there are a few things that you can do right away.

1: Figure out why you eat at certain points and what events "trigger" it.
2: Identify what your true hunger signals are... and what the signals are when you just want to emotionally eat.
3: Reduce the availability of your trigger foods. Simply buy less of them and don't have them around the house.
4: No skipping meals... this just leads to more emotional eating.
5: Find other ways to let out your stress.

You can check out more about how to control emotional eating on my website at

Weight Loss Myths And How To Avoid Them

There are many weight loss myths out there that, when it comes down to it, are complete lies.

The sad thing is, since we're so busy nowadays, it's hard for people to research every single thing that they're told... and they have to "shortcut" and believe the media every once in a while.

Without further ado, let's explore some of these myths.

Myth: Eating only reduced fat or fat-free-foods will help you lose weight:

This couldn't be further from the truth. Often, fat free foods are actually NOT fat free. See... the weight loss industry has been fooling consumers for a long time with this one.

The next time you see a label that claims to be "99% Fat Free", take the time to really look at the label. You'll often see that this really isn't the case. You might find that there's a total calorie content of 100 per serving, for example, while the fat calories are 80. This obviously isn't 99% fat free.

However, companies can get away with this because they say that something is "X"% fat free off of the total WEIGHT of the product. If a product has 75 grams of fat, for example, but there's 2500 grams total product weight... they can claim to be 97% fat free.

Often times, companies will just add water to products to make the weight different, even though they're not reducing any of the fat content.

Myth: Following a stringent diet will help speed your metabolism up:

Most diet plans will actually hinder your weight loss efforts in the long term. For example, if you're eating a low calorie or low carbohydrate diet, your body will adjust to that way of eating and expect for you to continue that way of life forever. When you eventually go to eat more, you'll gain weight. If you decide to stay at that level of calories, you'll have to do it for the rest of your life to even maintain... and you'll likely stop losing weight after a while.

If you want to check out how to speed up your metabolism and continue to lose weight, one good weight loss method is calorie cycling. This helps you shift your calories so that you continuously "fool" your body, and it can't adjust to any set number of calories, hence not touching your metabolism adversely.

You can check out more about calorie cy on cycling at my website at

Diet And Weight Loss Tips - Beware Of What You Hear!

Let’s face this hectic life, we are usually too busy to look into everything ourselves. Information is needed yesterday basically. This being said, even if you don’t try something out first, at least research it carefully.

Another thing to remember: Be Careful because there are many diet and weight loss tips out there that actually aren't accurate at all.

Diet And Weight Loss Tip 1: Fats should be completely cut out.

This is not accurate. Actually, some fats will even help you lose weight.

Surprising, huh?

Don't get it wrong - too much fat will absolutely lead to more disease, but a bit of fat in one's diet does keep them healthier. Fats allow the body to take in vital nutrients and to feel fuller for longer periods of time, which allows you to end up eating less.

Some foods that are high in fat but are actually good for you (and can help with your diet and weight loss tips) are nuts, fish, and olive oil.

Diet And Weight Loss Tip 2: Cut out as many calories as you can! Skip meals to your heart's content. LIE.

Two words for you: Starvation mode.

When you eat low calorie all the time, your body can go into starvation mode. Before you skim this over, thinking it couldn't happen to you: the calorie level for starvation mode is much less than you would think.

And when your body goes into starvation mode, your metabolism slows down. Once this happens, it's hard for you to lose any more weight. At best, your weight loss efforts will stagnate.

With this in mind, it's not shocking that meal skippers tend to weigh more than people who eat their meals on a frequent basis.

You can check out more about diet and weight loss tips on my website at

Extreme Weight Loss Tips When You Really Want To Lose Weight

Many people have heard about all types of extreme weight loss tips that are supposed to help them lose weight.

The fact of the matter is most of them are simply inaccurate. Let's explore some of
the myths.

Because we live in such a fast paced world, sometimes it's necessary for us to take what other people’s experiences at face value since we don't have time to check into everything ourselves.
However, be careful: there are many diet and weight loss tips out there that actually aren't accurate at all.

Extreme Weight Loss Tip 1: Avoid eating carbohydrates if you want some quick weight loss... right?


If you want to lose weight, you should cycle your calories (or carbohydrates). But cutting them out is not a good solution at all for long term weight loss.

Make no mistakes - you will lose weight if you cut out carbs, and you'll lose it quickly. However, you will, without a doubt, gain the weight back.

No one type of food group should be avoided in order to lose weight. Not only is this restrictive and emotionally frustrating to the dieter, but it isn't conducive to lifestyle changes. Once you eat low carbohydrate, your body will get used to it and expect you to continue to eat that way forever.

It's absolutely smart to look into more of the complex carbohydrates such as whole grains or beans versus the processed foods... but don't avoid carbs altogether.
Extreme Weight Loss Tip 2: It doesn't matter what you do... genetics will determine your weight! ... Or will they?

This is actually a myth.

Yes, biology studies have shown that relatives do usually have similar weights to that of their family. That doesn't mean that you're destined to be whatever weight your family is.

A good diet will help anyone even if they might take longer to lose weight than those people with faster metabolisms.

You should never allow yourself to give up with the excuse of genetics.

You can check out more about extreme weight loss tips on my website at

Calorie Shifting And Why The Calorie Shifting Diet Rocks!

A new and unique diet method that's hitting the United States is called calorie shifting. Not only is this a diet that's loved by the people that use it, but it’s also highly revered by doctors and psychologists.

It's actually been used for quite a long time by athletes, but a new spin on it is allowing regular dieters to lose tons of weight now as well.

The reason that this is so popular is because the calorie shifting doesn't provide just short term weight loss. The calorie shifting is essentially switching up calories from one day to another. People don't have to go hungry or stop eating; they simply need to change up their calorie intakes.

People also keep the weight off when they use calorie shifting. See, when people eat low calorie diets, their bodies adhere to low calorie and get used to it. When people get off the low calorie diets and start eating more, they immediately gain the weight back.

With calorie shifting, though, because the body never adjusted to anything, it won't matter what the dieter eats as long as they eat within reason.

Another important point in this diet is that since people continue to change what they eat, they don't have to get bored, as people often do on other more restrictive diets. The calorie shifting is much easier to stick to than most other diets, and it's why the diet has a much larger retention rate than many of the other diets.
People actually enjoy calorie shifting.

You can check out more about calorie shifting at my website

How Does Calorie Cycling Help Me Lose Weight?

A brand new way to lose weight has been hitting airwaves all over the United States.

This diet, called "calorie cycling", allows people to effectively lose large amounts of weight in short periods of time. But before you dismiss it as a fad diet, read on.
This way of eating teaches people to switch up the amount of calories that they eat day-to-day. By doing this, their body can never figure out how many calories are coming into it (as is often the case with low calorie or low carbohydrate diets), and therefore it can't adjust... or plateau.

The diet actually enforces cheat days and says that it wouldn't be successful without it.

Rachel Rofe, calorie cycling expert, explains that our bodies are used to this way of eating. During the cavemen era, our ancestors would have to go hungry for days at a time. Whenever they got the opportunity to eat, they would binge in order to stay satisfied until the next time they had the opportunity to eat.

Cheat days are similar to the days that our ancestors fasted. Because the metabolism never expects these days, it can never adjust to a certain way of eating, and the body is literally forced to continue dropping unwanted pounds.

Because people get to have these cheat days where they can literally eat anything they want, psychologists heartily recommend this diet. They love that dieters don't need to feel deprived or malnourished. Doctors love it because it's a natural way to lose weight without people having to deprive themselves of nutrients, food groups, or even "bad" food.

Because calorie cycling is much easier to stick to than a typical weight loss plan, it has a much larger retention rate than many of the other diets.

You can check out more about calorie cycling at my website