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This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Cookie Diet - Does It Work?

Due to the weight loss crazes that prevail in our country, many people are always looking for the "latest and greatest" way to lose weight. The newest fad is the "Cookie Diet", promoted by Dr. Siegal of Miami. This diet has been promoted on many different television and radio shows, and is exactly what it sounds like: a diet in which one eats cookies all day. While half a million people are on this diet (and have lost weight), it's not advisable for the long term.

Why Is The Cookie Diet A Bad Idea?

First of all... any diet that is "short-term" does not make sense when translated into real life. Sure, eating cookies is great for now... but how many people are going to be able to stomach eating cookies every day for the rest of their life (really think about that before you answer!)? Besides, as of right now, there are only six different flavors. Even people with the biggest sweet tooth are not going to be able to eat six flavors for the rest of their days.

A diet should allow you the flexibility to eat what you want.

Next, people don't get to eat very much on the diet. They eat six cookies throughout the day and a dinner. This is a very restrictive way of life that is bound to greatly interfere with social life, events, and work.

A diet should fit in with your lifestyle.

Third, the diet is not very nutritious. As mentioned, one has to eat six cookies throughout the day and a dinner. Unless someone gets in all of their nutrients via vitamins and one heck of a filling dinner... it will be very hard to stay truly healthy.

A diet should allow you to eat healthily.

Fourth, there's a high cost associated with buying these cookies. They're not just any cookies - they have high fiber content in them as well as specific ingredients.

You should not have to spend extra money to be on a diet.

Lastly, if you happen to be out of cookies - you're out of luck for the day. This is inconvenient. A diet should work around what you want - you shouldn't have to work for the diet!

You can check out more about a diet that does work on my website at

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