This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Calorie Cycling And Why It Works

Thanks to the weight loss industry, many people think that weight loss is a complex, overwhelming process.

It's not their fault - companies have spent millions of dollars trying to confuse dieters, so that they helplessly spend their money, hand-over-fist, in order to find the latest and greatest "cure".

But people who are able to get "out of the box" and learn about simple and proven weight loss methods tend to have the huge advantage. This is because once they realize that food and the patterns in which they eat is more powerful than any kind of weight loss pill or surgery... they have complete mastery over their body.
Once these people have a grasp of how to eat, they never again have to worry about gaining weight back or becoming fat ever again.

Because it's very, very easy!

All people have to do in order to lose weight is to shift their calories. That's it!

With typical low-calorie or low-carbohydrate diets, people eventually end up in a plateau. Their bodies adjust to the diet, and weight loss halts.

The weight loss industry doesn't want to acknowledge this, though, because low calorie, low fat, and low carbohydrate products account for millions of dollars in revenue.

But with calorie cycling, people constantly switch up the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis. They have low days and high days... and because their bodies never know what to expect, they can never adjust accordingly. Because of this, people continue to lose pounds upon pounds of weight.

Although bodybuilders and other body-conscious people have known about calorie cycling for decades, this is not popular to mainstream America because of the lack of money that people can make from it. With calorie cycling, there's no need for people to buy certain kinds of foods or restrict themselves in any kind of way... so there's not a lot of money in it for companies.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

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