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This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Low Calorie Desserts - Why Not Go Full Calorie?

If you're looking for low calorie desserts, congratulations for making a conscious decision to watch your food intake. It's important to know what's going into your body and having some control of it.

In a moment, you'll get some low calorie desserts ideas... but first, it's important to mention that consistently eating low calorie isn't necessarily always the best tactic when trying to lose weight.

Shocking and counterintuitive, yes... but it's the truth.

See... low calorie definitely does help lose weight for the short term... but the problem is, people eventually plateau after a while because the body adjusts to the same low calorie amount. Metabolism slows down, muscle is lost, and dieters get frustrated.

A new method, called calorie cycling, allows people to have "cheat days" (that are carefully calculated) so that the body can't adjust to normal low calorie routines.

Metabolism can't slow down, and fat burning continues at a fast pace.

That being said, low calorie desserts can still be delicious, so here are some ideas.

Sugar Free Jello


Fruit Smoothies

Fruit and Cool Whip



Skinny Cow Ice Cream treats


Vitamuffin Muffins

You can also do substitutions. For example, you can use fat-free or 1% milk instead of regular milk, or egg substitute/egg whites instead of eggs. You could use Splenda instead of sugar, fat-free whipped cream instead of full cream, a graham cracker crust instead of a pie crust, or dried fruit instead of chocolate chips.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

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