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This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Calorie Cycling - Is It Really A New "Fad"?

Calorie cycling has been around since the beginning of evolution. Because of our body composition, there is always a natural "slow-down" period that happens when someone restricts their caloric intake, and cycling calories simply manipulates that to get the best possible weight loss results.

A main reason of why people hit plateaus in their diets is because the body is designed to save fat storages.

Anytime those fat storages are threatened, the metabolism has to slow down in order to compensate.

The thing is - the reason that our bodies are made this way is to adjust to the patterns of our ancestors. Our ancestors were very active, had to literally chase their food to the ground... they didn't get the luxury of living in heated homes, or sitting around and watching TV.

However, because our bodies don't acknowledge this, the extra food continues to pile up as "fat storage", and we gain extra weight.

With calorie cycling, metabolism is pretty much "shocked" from becoming stagnant (in a healthy way). What this means is instead of eating the same amount of calories every day, and the body adjusting , one would continue to change their calorie allotment on a daily basis.

When this happens, your body doesn't know what to do. All along, it was holding along fat storage deposits assuming that you were eating "X" amount of calories per day. When you switch and eat less than X, or more than X, it doesn't know if it should hold on to the fat stores or not... and you end up losing weight.

Bodybuilders have been using this system for years (but they do it to gain weight - with other versions, you can do it to lose weight).

This is actually very healthy and recommended by most doctors.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

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