This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Slimming Diets - Is There A Difference Among Them?

There are so many different slimming diets out there that claim to make people lose weight. At the end of the day, is there really a difference among them?

The answers might surprise you.

There are all sorts of slimming diets, as you know. But there are huge differences in each diet that one should strongly consider.

For example, with some diets, one can only eat certain amounts of food per day. This is something to consider for a few reasons. First, some people might not like restrictive ways of eating. Second, when one eats a certain amount of food per day, the body often adjusts and weight loss stagnates. In choosing a long-term diet, this is something to consider.

Another important thing to look at when choosing a slimming diet is to see what the success rates are of people who get off the diet. With low carbohydrate diets, for example, many people lose lots of weight. The problem is they generally gain it all back, plus some.

The "shock" to your normal way of eating is something else that's important. Is this a slimming diet that you can live with? Is it something that you can maintain for the rest of your life?

Lastly, how do you feel when you're on this diet? Are you happy because you're losing weight and you know it'll stay off? Are you halfhearted because you know you'll gain the weight as soon as you get off of it? Are you miserable because you can't eat your favorite foods?

All of these things are important. At the end of the day, there's a huge difference between slimming diets.

You can check out more about slimming diets on my website at

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