This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Can I Lose Weight?

Many people find themselves asking, at least at one point throughout their life, "How Can I Lose Weight?" While there are many answers, one very effective one is via calorie cycling.

Calorie cycling, also known as zigzag dieting or the shifting calories method, is where one switches up the amount of calories that they eat on a daily basis. Other methods of dieting, such as low calorie or low carbohydrate, work short term, but eventually the body figures out what's happening and plateaus. While shifting calories, one achieves absolute control over their body.

To calorie cycle, one needs to figure out how many calories that they would eat on a low calorie diet, multiply it by seven, and then spread the calories out throughout the week. For example, if they were planning on eating 1800 calories a day, they would multiply 1800 by 7 (12,600) and then break those calories up throughout the week.

For example, their calorie allotments might go like this:

Monday - 1800

Tuesday - 2000

Wednesday - 1600

Thursday - 2000

Friday - 1700

Saturday - 1900

Sunday - 1500

Not only is this very effective physically speaking, but it's very beneficial psychologically as well. Because people have both high and low days, they don't feel as restricted as with normal diets. They might not like their low calorie days, but they know that high calorie days are coming, so they can look forward to them. With normal low calorie diets, people don't have any "light at the end of the tunnel", and are generally unhappy.

Because of this, calorie cycling has much longer retention and success rates than other diets.

You can check out more about calorie cycling on my website at

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