This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.

This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Friday, January 1, 2010

First day of a healthier me

C and I had our weigh-in today. I have a count down written on our bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker to make it official. It's pretty exciting because I'm so curious to see how well I do. I don't even care about beating him...well maybe I do. The main thing is to be healthier, eat healthier and to tone up my body.

I rang in the new year by drinking nothing but water. I definitely peed a lot so I know it's been flushing me out like crazy lol.

So, I had planned on starting the Master Cleanse today since it is the first day of the new year, but we've been lazy since the holiday break is still going on. We didn't get the chance to go to the market to get what I needed.

I did get a lot of other things done, though, as far as what I'll eat before and after I finish with the Master Cleanse. I'm also pretty excited to exercise...never thought I would ever say that. It's funny because when I had started up a new craze for exercizing during my spare time a few weeks ago, my 17-month-old was copying me and doing leg stretches and trying to jump. He is so adorable.

We forgot to take before pictures today, but I'm sure we won't lose so much weight from today and tomorrow. So yeah I'll show that and the after picture at the end of all of this.

Anyone else who is jump starting their health/diets/weight/etc, good luck to you!

I'll write soon,


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