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This blog is not intended to treat, diagnose or mislead anyone concerning their health or weight.
These posts are merely a way to bring information, reviews and first-hand experiences to you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How To Control Emotional Eating

Emotional eating can really destroy your weight loss efforts. Making sure that you get a grip on this will be able to really help you lose weight in the future.

If you want to know how to control emotional eating, you should know for sure exactly what it is.

See... sometimes we get a longing to eat for reasons that have nothing to do with actual hunger. We have desires for food (usually fattening foods that are salty or sweet) when emotions are in highs or lows. We have the urge to eat, and we think nothing else will make us better.

You might recall how people say that they gain lots of weight when they break up with someone, for example.

Emotional eating sometimes happens when there's a major incidence to trigger it... such as the aforementioned breakup, a job loss, etc. It can also happen for smaller things, such as being nagged by a boss, or dealing with traffic.

The problem with emotional eating is that it makes problems even worse, because it leads to guilt issues, weight gain, and poor health.

If you want to know how to control emotional eating, there are a few things that you can do right away.

1: Figure out why you eat at certain points and what events "trigger" it.
2: Identify what your true hunger signals are... and what the signals are when you just want to emotionally eat.
3: Reduce the availability of your trigger foods. Simply buy less of them and don't have them around the house.
4: No skipping meals... this just leads to more emotional eating.
5: Find other ways to let out your stress.

You can check out more about how to control emotional eating on my website at

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